AFOA-SK is the provincial chapter of AFOA Canada, registered as a non-profit organization, governed by a board elected by AFOA members within Saskatchewan. The Chapter was founded in 1999 and has been run by its board members on a voluntary basis. AFOA SK is financed through membership fees, supplemented by government contributions and corporate sponsorships. In response to a need for a stronger presence and better serve its members, the Board of Directors of AFOA SK secured funding to establish a permanent office in Saskatchewan. AFOA SK developed a 5-year strategic plan (2019 – 2024) to guide the organization in achieving its mission and vision. This plan has since been reviewed and updated.
The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Saskatchewan (AFOA Saskatchewan) conducted a strategic planning session on December 11, 2019. The purpose of the meeting was to identify three key strategies for the next five year time horizon (2019 – 2024). As part of the analysis, board members participated in the following process:
- Review of Vision and Mission
- Review of Stakeholder feedback
- Identification of key SWOT factors
- Identification of key Priorities
- Mapping out identified Objectives
AFOA Saskatchewan had conducted an environmental analysis through a questionaire provided to stakeholders of the organization and utilized this information to shape its strategic directions for the period 2019 – 2024.
To live well.
AFOA Saskatchewan will provide sound leadership and capacity development to members with timely, relevant products and services to support and enhance the role of the financial officers, managers and the governing bodies of Aboriginal organizations in Saskatchewan.
Strategic formulation based on the analysis noted above should also include an understanding of the organization’s core competencies and niche market. AFOA – SK has a reputable presence in First Nation communities and is seen as the trainer of choice for its members. Keeping this in mind, AFOA – SK has identified the following strategies for the 2019 – 2024 time horizon:
Key Objective: Enhance Professional Development
The current service offerings for training and development include workshops aimed for financial officers in Saskatchewan’s First Nation communities. These workshops are focused on financial best practices and better understanding of the financial literacy. AFOA – SK seeks to further develop its market penetration by identifying key professional development areas and focusing its efforts in these areas.
Key Objective: Secure Sustainable Funding Partnerships
Current revenue streams for AFOA – SK include membership fees, government contributions, and corporate sponsorships. With the changing landscape of the political environment, it is increasingly critical to identify stable funding relationships that will withstand market forces outside of the organization’s control. A positive factor that the organization has is its alignment with current government priorities as well as the healthy relationship it currently holds with ISC.
Key Objective: Increase Organizational Capacity
AFOA – SK has been intentional in creating an enriching environment for its management. This includes providing management with flexibility and autonomy in work activities, all of which speaks to a high degree of trust between board and management. In order to build on this positive relationship, AFOA – SK must continually seek out ways to enhance job satisfaction. In addition, process documentation is a priority to ensure that AFOA – SK is able to weather any management turnover with minimal interruption of services to its members.
For further information please contact AFOA SK at:
- E-mail
- Phone 306-477-1066
- Fax 306-665-7577