Current AFOA SK Board of Directors
AFOA SK is guided by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors comprising of leaders in finance and management from across Saskatchewan. Our Association’s success is a direct result of their commitment and the investment of their time and effort.
- Donna Morin, CPA-CMA, CAFM, President
- Maryann Morin, CPA-CMA, CAFM, Vice President
- Kyle Christopherson, CPA-CA, CAFM Treasurer
- Shirley Morin, Secretary
- Steven Ross (Ex-officio)
- Donna Angus
- Stefanos LeBrasseur
- Lana George, CAFM
- Darlene Littlebear-Smith
- Brenda Missens, CAFM
- Angela Desnomie, CAFM
- Marcella Poitras, CAPA
- Marilyn Osecap, B.Comm, CAFM